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Platform Basics
Getting Started
Platform Basics
Create a new client
Create a new estimate
Material and Production Tabs
Using the Dashboard
Pipeline Overview
Estimating & Proposals
How to Tutorials
Material Pricing
Pipeline CRM
Creating Lead Forms
Project Organization
Tracking Change Orders
Line Items & Assemblies
Creating Assemblies
Adding & Managing Line Items
Adding Descriptions & Pictures
Line Item & Assembly Categories
Making Line Items & Assemblies Optional
Custom Input
Getting started using Bolster Payments
Company Preferences & Settings
Company Profit Percentage
Adding Company Logo & Background
Presentation Settings
Company Settings Management
Back to home
Platform Basics
Getting Started
Platform Basics
Create a new client
Create a new estimate
Material and Production Tabs
Using the Dashboard
Pipeline Overview
Estimating & Proposals
How to Tutorials
Material Pricing
Pipeline CRM
Creating Lead Forms
Project Organization
Tracking Change Orders
Line Items & Assemblies
Creating Assemblies
Adding & Managing Line Items
Adding Descriptions & Pictures
Line Item & Assembly Categories
Making Line Items & Assemblies Optional
Custom Input
Getting started using Bolster Payments
Company Preferences & Settings
Company Profit Percentage
Adding Company Logo & Background
Presentation Settings
Company Settings Management
Platform Basics
Get familiar with the basics of the platform. This category covers account setup, key features, navigation tips, and first steps to streamline.
Create a new client
How to Create a New Client in Bolster
Create a new estimate
How to Create a New Estimate in Bolster
How To Use Dimension Boxes/Tab
Creating a Custom Dimension in Bolster
Material and Production Tabs
Material Tab Overview and Process in Bolster
Production Tab For Items in Bolster