Creating a Custom Calculation for Items in an Estimate

This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to create a custom calculation for items in an estimate using Bolster. This feature is useful when traditional dimensions or measurements do not meet your specific needs.

Custom Calculation Steps

1. Select the Item:

  • Go to the item you want to change in your estimate.

  • Click on the box icon to open the item details.

2. Go to the Quantity Tab:

  • Once the item is open go to the "Quantity" tab. This is where you can change the quantity formula for the item.

3. Expand the Quantity Formula Box:

  • Click on the down chevron icon to expand the section to see Quantity formula input field.

4. Enter Custom Calculation:

  • Inside the box you can type in your custom calculation. Use the tools to add, subtract, multiply or divide as needed to get what you need.

By following these steps you can create a custom calculation for any item in your estimate and get more accurate and custom estimates.
For more help see additional resources or contact Bolster support.