The calculator allows you to calculate from various formats and sources to find the desired value.
From the calculator you can make use of various functions to help you with your calculations.
sqrt(x) - square root
floor(x) - round down ie: floor(1.6) = 1
ceil(x) - round up ie: ceil(1.2) = 2
min(x, y) - will return the minimum of the two values ie: min(1, 2) = 1
max(x, y) - will return the maximum of the two values ie: max(1, 2) = 2
round(x) - will round the number to the nearest whole ie: round(1.2) = 1 and round(1.5) = 2
Calculating quantities or dimensions
From items, or dimensions you have all the dimensions available to you to integrate into your formulas.
If you don’t see one listed, click on Other
Calculating Using Imperial Notation/English units
The calculator allows you to use imperial notation and converts it to decimalized feet so it can be used as a quantity or in some other formula
Accepted imperial notation is highlighted in yellow with a crown icon
It accepts the form {number of feet}{' or ft} {number of inches} {number of fractional inches}{“ or in}
Formulas using time/hours/duration notation
You can calculate using time, which converts a duration notation into decimalized hours to be used in quantities or wherever you need
It accepts the form {number of hours}h {number of minutes}m {number of seconds}s