- Academy
- CostCertified Knowledgebase (old platform)
- Troubleshooting
Getting Started
Bolster Basics
Bolster Dashboard
Bolster Proposals
Bolster CRM
Line Items & Assemblies in Bolster
Bolster Presentations
Company Preferences & Settings in Bolster
CostCertified Fundamental Skills (old platform)
CostCertified Knowledgebase (old platform)
- PDF / document template editing
- Item editing, importing and exporting
- Creating and updating sales tax / VAT
- Troubleshooting
- Assembly building strategies
- Proposal/quote presentations
- Project details and settings
- User, groups and permission management
- Client management
- Accessibility
- Leads and lead forms
- Vendor payments
- Accepting invoice payments through CostCertified
- Updates
- Webhooks
- Exporting for Sage Accounting Software
- Client Chat
- AutoCost
Laggy/slow while building items and assemblies in a quote
Disable auto save on quote
If you are creating a lot of assemblies or items, auto-saving can cause a slow down because it needs to send a lot of data back and forth. You may want to disable auto save so that you can build items and assemblies without worry of it slowing you down.
Click on the save dongle on the lower right hand side of your screen
- Then click on Disable auto-save
Now the quote will not be auto-saved, that also means that for your changes to be saved you must manually save yourself, by clicking on the same save dongle, and clicking Save changes