Duplicate a Proposal

You can duplicate a proposal within CostCertified. This can be useful when you want to send a similar proposal to another client and you only need to make a few changes. You can also create duplicates of a proposal to send copies to multiple email addresses. NOTE: if you would like to send copies of the same proposal to multiple users, it is recommended that you add project terms and conditions to the copies that indicate “This proposal is meant to for viewing purposes only. Booking this proposal will not be considered a binding contract.”

  1. Open the proposal and go to the estimate tab.

  2. Click on the 3 dots next to the proposal name in the information box located in the top left corner.

  3. Click “duplicate.”

    This will launch a pop-up to select the client that you wish to use for the duplicated proposal.
  4. Select a client from the drop-down menu and click “Save.”

  5. This will duplicate the proposal, but will load a blank page.
  6. Refresh your browser page.

    1. The proposal will load, and it will have the same name as the previous version with “(COPY)” at the end.

    2. You can change the name as needed.
